Monday, May 21, 2018

"Alexa, What Is Adoption?"

With all the different videos circulating on the internet of answers Alexa gives to questions, I started to wonder what she would say about adoption. I set out to ask a bunch of questions and, based on those responses, get an idea of how our society is currently viewing adoption.
I had never used Alexa before, so there was one thing I learned very quickly. Alexa doesn’t answer subjective questions, so when asked things like “Should I place my baby for adoption?” and “Which is a better option, adoption or abortion?” there was no viable response.
Once I figured out what types of questions she would answer, I asked a list of basic adoption questions.
Q: Alexa, what is adoption?
A: Adoption is….a legal proceeding that creates a parent/child relation between persons not related by blood. The adopted child is entitled to all privileges belonging to a natural child of the adoptive parents, including the right to inherit.
Q: Alexa, what is a birth mother?
A: Birth mother is usually defined as the woman who gives birth to a child, not necessarily the genetic mother.
Q: Alexa, what is a foster parent?
A: Foster parent is usually defined as a person who acts as a parent or guardian in place of a child’s natural parents but without legally adopting the child.
Q: Alexa, what is a closed adoption?
A: Closed adoption is usually defined as an adoption where the identity of the biological parents is kept as a secret from the child and the adoptive parents.

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